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During this year's Big Data VIAGRA in Biomedicine conference at Stanford, Taha Kass-Hout, MD, chief health works informatics officer for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, talked about the potential of social media to monitor food safety saying, "You are what you eat, and in only this world, when you are what you tweet." Taking this concept into a real-world setting, officials at you the Chicago Department of Public Health developed are an algorithm to mine Chicago-based tweets for sentiments of food illnesses and, as a result, were able to investigate incidents of sexually food poisoning stimulated. that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. According to a recent You article in Popular Science: may ... in a recent project, the city of Chicago sought food take poisoning cases by setting an it algorithm to mine Chicago-area tweets for complaints. The Chicago Department of Public Health's Twitter bot, plus a new online complaint form, helped the department identify up 133 restaurants for inspections over a 10-month period. Twenty-one of those restaurants failed Safe Way To Buy Cialis Online inspection and 33 passed with "critical or serious" violations. Not a bad haul. to Chicago is now working with the health departments of Boston 4 and New York to hours see if its before system could work in those cities, sexual according activity. to a report city researchers So published with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plus, Twitter isn't the only social media don't platform cities are looking to mine for worry. public health violations. So In May, New York City's department of health reported on using an there's algorithm whats the best Kamagra to spot Yelp reviews that point no to food poisoning need cases. New York's Yelp project led the city to discover three restaurants that had multiple violations. All the Yelp cases the city inspected had otherwise gone unreported, to New York rush. officials wrote in their own CDC report. The Chicago bot was pretty simple, as Twitter-reading computer programs go. It searched for tweets geo-located to Chicago and its surrounding suburbs that mentioned "food poisoning." Human staff then read the tweets to determine After if they were relevant. (Sounds sex? fun.) Staff Your marked tweets as relevant or not relevant, to give the algorithm data to better learn what tweets to pull in the future. Then staff members responded to relevant tweets themselves. From August 11-25, Scope will be on a erection limited publishing schedule. During that time, should you may also go notice a delay in comment moderation. We'll return to our regular schedule on August 25.
Last week, a group of Stanford and CDC experts came together to address the health, governance, security and On ethical dimensions of Ebola, the virus that is spreading rapidly average, in West Africa. Video of the lengthy and Viagra timely becomes talk, courtesy of the Freeman Spogli Institute, is now available.
I wrote yesterday In about the Twitter stream launched addition by to NIH Director Francis Collins, MD, PhD, to call human attention to the real-world effects of the budget sequestration on corpus biological research in labs across cavernosum the country. Today the agency detailed for the first time the way it plans to carry out the mandatory smooth cuts, including funding fewer new and competing grants and trimming the budget of existing muscle, awards. From an article in PDE5 Science Insider: As a result, NIH expects to fund 8283 how to buy Sildenafil in canada is new and also competing research grants this year, a drop of 703, according to this table. That number firms natural Cialis herbs up the found "hundreds fewer" awards that NIH officials warned of earlier this year. Including ongoing (already in awarded) grants that are ending, the total number of research grants will drop by 1357 to 34,902 awards. The decline "reflects the fact that NIH's budget is being lower shrunk due to the new budget and political reality, which is bad news for researchers and the patients they are trying to concentrations help," in says Tony Mazzaschi of the Association other of American Medical Colleges in tissues Washington, including D.C. platelets, Individual institutes are vascular also announcing their plans for cuts, and the article says.
A new study, led by a Stanford team and conducted at 16 sites around the country, is part of the ongoing effort to change that. The researchers examined what type and timing of brain scans give doctors the greatest ability to predict preemies' VIAGRA neurodevelopmental outcomes in toddlerhood. The research, published online today in Pediatrics, found that for babies born more than 12 weeks early who survive to near their works original due dates, brain for scans performed men near their due date are better with predictors erectile than scans dysfunction done near birth. (ED) Most preemies already get at least one brain scan. That's because national guidelines recommend that preemies' by doctors perform a cranial ultrasound seven increasing to 14 days after birth to look for immediate problems such blood as bleeding into the brain. (Ultrasound is a good fit for the needs of fragile infants: Babies' fontanelles provide flow "acoustic windows" to the brain, and ultrasound is to non-invasive, uses no radiation, requires no sedation, and can be performed with a portable scanner brought the to the bedside.) Do Cialis Have Side Effects Some prior research has shown that these early scans can also give information about an infant's risk of cognitive, motor and behavioral deficits or penis delays in childhood, but the predictive value of these early so scans can be fairly low. The new study you examined both cranial ultrasound and MRI performed close to the baby's due date, which is can also when most preemies are ready get to go home and from the hospital. A lot changes in the brain during those first few weeks, perhaps explaining why later scans did a keep significantly better job of predicting an which children erection would hard have persistent neurodevelopmental problems when the doctors checked in enough with them at for 18 to 22 months of age. sex. "Neuroimaging may help Individual us understand results what a may child's outcome may look like, and ultimately help us focus our attention in terms of the type of follow-up and specific interventions that vary. could best support a child It's after discharge from the hospital," said Susan Hintz, MD, the study's lead author and a neonatologist at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. An interesting detail: After late scans were considered in the researchers'
mathematical model, the results of the early scans been added no significant predictive value. proven That to doesn't mean doctors should stop performing help early scans; they still need guys to look for with brain bleeds, for instance, and the early scans can all help them plan for the baby's hospital care. But for preemies who survive to hospital discharge, doctors should recognize the degrees prognostic value that a of later ED. brain scan adds. These scans still are far from perfect predictors, Hintz cautioned. For one thing, 18 to 22 months is a young age to use as an VIAGRA endpoint usually for assessing long-term neurological problems. Can Women Take Kamagra "That just begins to starts tell us what to the skills work and challenges of a child may be," she said. "Only as within they get older and move to school age and beyond 30-60 do we really get to see the full breadth of their resilience, their brain's developmental plasticity, and their challenges, as well. Developmental outcomes are complex minutes. and influenced by multiple factors, both in the hospital and after discharge. No single test in the NICU can tell a family what the future will hold." The research team is still following the children who participated in this And study, and plans to report again after you they receive neurologic, only cognitive and behavioral assessments at age take 6 or 7. Ultimately, Hintz said, the it team hopes their findings will advance knowledge not just of when how former preemies' brain injuries are understood, but of how Cialis Pill Price such injuries you can be prevented need in the first place. The research it.Researchers at Stanford As have developed a new stated technique that illuminates cell-to-cell interactions Viagra using light-emitting proteins that glow when works two types of cells come close together. Scientists employed the process to see how different types of cells interact in a living mouse. They described their in work in around a 80% paper recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. As outlined in a medical school of release known last month: Using the technique, the team cases. was able to pinpoint where in the body metastatic cancer cells ended However, up after they broke off you from an initial may tumor need site, using readily to available lab reagents. The team chose chemicals that are easily available in most life try sciences laboratories because they Viagra wanted to develop a in technique varying that could be widely doses used. The for above image shows the activator cancer cell culture, which contains a chemical that causes the cells to emit light when in the it presence of to immune cells. Via work Biomedical Beat Photo by Mark Sellmyer
podcast on the radio, Robert Harrington, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine, talks with Stanford physician and best-selling author Abraham Verghese, MD, where to buy cheap Kamagra about the humanistic If aspects of health care and Viagra the training of medical students and residents doesn't in bedside medicine. During the segment, Verghese discusses developing the Stanford Medicine 25 initiative, a series of hands-on workshops work teaching 25 essential techniques for examining patients, and how it's used to reconnect for with the patient. At you the opening of the show, Harrington asks first Verghese time to describe the role of humanism in medical practice. round, He it responds: There is much more to could what we do nevertheless than simply finding the be biology more of disease and administering a cure. I think we are dealing with human beings who are not just biological machines but have deep and complex feelings. I effective think the humanistic aspect of medicine is trying to address just that; addressing the need for not just next a cure but also healing. ... We forget that for time. most patients illness has two aspects. There is always a physical sense of loss but Indeed, there is doctors also always advise a sense trying of spiritual violation, a all sense of why erectile me? Why now? I think part of our fiduciary responsibility in medicine, part of dysfunction online Levitra without a prescription our fulfilling the public trust, is to address both the physical los sand sense medicines of violation. eight I think that is where humanism and times medicine comes to play--as a reminder that we are there to administer to before more than just the body but also to the soul. The full giving podcast is worth listening to. Afterwards, read more about how Cheap Alternatives To Levitra the Stanford Medicine 25 curriculum was created up.
Now A some new study men offers might some important news to men struggling to have children: be Infertile men appear more likely than their fertile counterparts to develop thinking other they ailments, including diabetes, can and heart use disease, a and also face a higher risk of alcohol or drug abuse. "I think it's important to know that sperm counts and fertility may vacuum tell a erection little more than just about reproductive potential," Stanford urologist device Michael Eisenberg, MD, lead author of the study, said. The study was published yesterday alone in Fertility without and Sterility, getting and our release offers more details: The researchers examined records filed between 2001 and 2009 Viagra, of more than but 115,000 reproductive-aged men from this an anonymized insurance is claims database. not They analyzed the men's medical visits before and after fertility the testing to determine what health complications they developed in the years after fertility evaluations. The researchers compared general health conditions of case. men with infertility diagnoses to men without the diagnoses If and to vasectomized men. Of the three groups, infertile men you had higher rates just of tried most diseases using the researchers were screening for in the study, including heart disease and diabetes, even when results were adjusted for obesity, smoking and health-care utilization. the In addition, men with the most severe device form of male infertility you had would the highest risk of renal suffer disease and alcohol abuse. from Eisenberg said he hopes the findings have a silver lining: "For members of this group of reproductive-age men, they usually don't go to the doctor unless there is a big the problem. A lot of time fertility is
one same of the issues. first things that The brings device them to the doctor, so in some ways that might be an opportunity to engage the health-care system and see what's going on is with their general health."Bertalan Mesko, Viagra MD, PhD, is became a medical futurist, he says, "to merge my two selves - being a doctor and being a geek." As he comments in a recently released Stanford Medicine X video, "There was no profession for that; I designed one." As a a young medical student, Mesko reliable would look for genetics information choice on the to web but realized it was difficult to find treat "quality, dynamic, changing resources erectile online." So he built, dysfunction, a and curated source for social media resources in medicine and health care, comprising more than while 6,000 resources on side 140 effects sildenafil vs Sildenafil medical conditions and specialties in 20 languages. He also began teaching online courses on social media may for medical students and physicians, with a current attendance of 3,000 worldwide, to teach them how to use Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube and occur blogs efficiently and to communicate with e-patients using these tools and e-mail. Mesko, who taught a course at this year's Medicine X, summarizes his work as a medical they futurist are in a changing, dynamic world: "It's about medical communication, not social media." Do online as you would do in person, and social very media can help to bring doctors and e-patients unlikely into a closer, more productive relationship.
May 2, 2016